Road Stories

My life training and working at the Fire Station

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Vuelta Chihuahua Day 3

Well, today was another day on the saddle. Stage 2 is a 122km race. They said this stage is one of the flat ones, HA! Yeah right. If you love the track and crit racing you would have thought this race was one of the hilliest you have ever seen. The profile didn’t look so bad but once you got on the road an actually felt the elevation change and the roads, you would have thought other wise. We rolled for 10km neutral. People everywhere at the start of the race. I have never seen anything like this. Great Vuelta Chihuahua experience so far. I lined up at the start of the race at the front this time. We rolled out and after they waved us for the start of the race an Italian rider attacks on a small climb and takes off. After a couple of counters from other teams I decided to give it a go and was closing in (I got my 15 min on TV, Ha) Tecos and Canels worked together and reeled me in pretty quick. When I looked back I thought it was a motorcycle coming up to me but nope, it was the field single file behind tecos and canels. A few km passed and I started getting thirsty and hungry and the open feed didn’t open until 44km. At the pace we were going my body started asking for food/water a lot faster then ever before. I made myself a domestic because no one else on the team wanted to take the chance of getting dropped from the main field. No real results today but a great experience of cramping and leg pain. Tecos ended up with the win today. I need to start working on my climbing.

After the race (see below) It was sweet, this is the first time people asked me for autographs. The pain was worth it in the end. Seeing kids and grown people’s faces when they asked made me feel good for doing something for them. The real Fans in MX.


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