Road Stories

My life training and working at the Fire Station

Monday, August 14, 2006

Tour of Elk Grove

Tour of Elk Grove was fast, fast, fast. Sat was a cat 2 only race. I was ready and felt great. I attacked from the start like my buddy Chris Hamilton loves to do. Off we go for the first lap and with the field strung out the racing really started. 50 dollars here, 50 dollars there, every other lap they were giving primes. I was there with one purpose and that was for upgrade points. with 2 90degree turns and 2 180 degree turns the race was a little sketchy. Ofcourse the race didn't go on with out a crash. With 3 laps to go I made a conscious effort to move up and place myself with in the top 10 but a break of 3 has gone up the rode. 2 laps to go and I'm still sitting in the top 10. Bell lap and attacks start to go. Andrew tried to set me up for the field sprint. When he got to the front he tried to make sure we were thru the last 90degree safely. To no avail the group attacked on the left side of us and on the right, when I noticed it I excellerated and got on with the eager field. 800 meters from the line I attacked and made sure I was top 5. 500 meters to go and I'm starting to think if I should wait for the last 100 meters. 350 meters, I realize, I'm not a sprinter! I need to go and took off with my sprint, 53-12 at 41mph taking the field sprint and taking 4th. Only bad thing was we came close to the break that I almost passed 3rd place.

Here I'm with 5 to go following Brad Huffy USA.
Bad luck on Sunday. 1.5 laps to go and my chain broke. Atleast it happened here and not at Nationals next weekend.


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