Road Stories

My life training and working at the Fire Station

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

January Trainig Race

Well with such great weather we knew the first official race of the TX calendar would be fast and hopefully safe. We showed up with Leo F., Edgar I., Henry S., Mike B., Scott K., and Steen R. We know this is still January and still early, so we just wanted to get a feeling of where our training was compared to the rest of the guys. There was a great showing in the Pro 1, 2, 3-field. Everyone showed up and they were ready to show what they had been doing in the off-season. Scott Kaisin went off with a break of about 7 riders and with 83 miles to go, we knew it would come back or so we thought. Henry and Mike Brown were riding strong and at the front of the peloton for the 1st lap of 2. We made the famous right turn into the crosswinds where if you were in the wrong place the guys at the front would make you pay for it and drop you from the field. Brett Crosby from the Specialized factory team was the first casualty of the big guns in that section. With about 2 miles left of that tough crosswind section we knew it would be a tough second lap. Leo was able to punch it at 31mph and hurt the rest of the wounded riders. The field was finally left with about 30 riders trying to catch a field of 10 up the road; they had about 1min on the chase. Edgar looked at Leo and said, “You should have gone earlier and made it to that break!!” As Leo looked at Edgar he simply replied, “I don’t have the snap yet but I do have the punch and will punch it to take you up the break.” He looked with disbelief and continued to ride in the chase. The group began to slow down and that was all Leo needed to hit them at the right time. Leo punched it at 41mph and only Dewald from Snow Valley presented by Seal On, Barry Lee from THSJ, and Zach Fiocca from Brain and Spine were able to grab his wheel. At the base of the first climb Dewald took a pull and Barry Lee was satisfied with sitting on. The plan to rattle the chase group just enough but hurt them at the same time worked, and we were able to get Edgar and Henry to the break where Kasin was. With 3k to go Edgar made a suicide attempt for the win but it back-fired since Henry was still on the break. Henry was able to hit them just right on the sprint to come up with a 4th place and Edgar with 8th, Kaisin ?, Mike Brown and Leo Frayre finished in the same chase group.
Not bad for the first “training” race. We look ready for the first TX Cup race. Only two guys where not able to show up: Chris Powers and Sam Childs.


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