Road Stories

My life training and working at the Fire Station

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

H n' H

A picture does say a thousand words!!! Hard work and great team work did it this past weekend. The smallest "team" in the race showed its strength and was able to come out with the win!!!! Great showing is all I have to say. If you look closely you see me in the back celebrating our win.
Hopefully a sign of things to come for this team.
Also a quick note : this is the first time Edgar ever raises his arms up.

Doing my part of the job.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Man

Here I'm finally being an "A" lister. After seeing him in the movie the Hard Road (about pro cyclist) I figured I can't become one before hanging out with one. Here is my proof. Horner (the man) and Frayre

National Championships

Here I'm getting ready for the start of the race. I got a great spot at the front. I tried to do everything I could to stay relaxed and comfortable at the front of the race.

I was top 20 all day long or tried to stay there. A few times the race was so easy that the group would get bunched up at the front and next thing you know you go from top 20 to mid pack of 180 riders. With 8 90degree corners it was a bit intimidating pushing other guys you have never raced with out of the way. With less than 20 laps to go of 50 laps. My buddy and partner in crime decides to push someone way bigger than him during a corner, but ofcourse it had to be the last corner in front of a crowd. He flicks his front wheel to hold it up, as I'm conscious of what is about to happen, my first thought is, you better hold it up and keep it up homo. Ofcourse not, he flicks his front wheel for a second time and loses it. I'm about 3 guys back and try to avoid and head for the hay bale. minimal damage to the "el matador" but good. No the only think that played a trick on me was fear. I realized I was riding fearlessly until then. I was taking corners like I was riding by myself. 10 laps to go I was hitting my breaks like an old lady in her chevy impala in a traffic jam. I ended up rolling in 80 something. I was feeling great and some of the pictures show that, other than I was ready for my podium picture. It was great to be riding with Surfer at the front. He looks pretty good in blue. Oh well, i will be back hungrier next yr.

Downers Grove Pro/Am

Here I'm following Chris Wherry (Pro RR National Champ) around on the crit. Staying close, well as close to the front as I could come on saturday's pro/am race. I felt like I was pushing it a bit but I ended up actually getting on a small break with a few pro's. Being the only amature in the break they wanted me to work and well I couldn't do much. I dropped out of the race with 8 laps to go. I wanted to save it for the next day. National Championships.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Here is my boy Chris Hamilton dragging the peloton at the TOC

Monday, August 14, 2006

Nutritional Training

So, I found out how most of the pro's train. They all do the "suga!" Doping.

Tour of Elk Grove

Tour of Elk Grove was fast, fast, fast. Sat was a cat 2 only race. I was ready and felt great. I attacked from the start like my buddy Chris Hamilton loves to do. Off we go for the first lap and with the field strung out the racing really started. 50 dollars here, 50 dollars there, every other lap they were giving primes. I was there with one purpose and that was for upgrade points. with 2 90degree turns and 2 180 degree turns the race was a little sketchy. Ofcourse the race didn't go on with out a crash. With 3 laps to go I made a conscious effort to move up and place myself with in the top 10 but a break of 3 has gone up the rode. 2 laps to go and I'm still sitting in the top 10. Bell lap and attacks start to go. Andrew tried to set me up for the field sprint. When he got to the front he tried to make sure we were thru the last 90degree safely. To no avail the group attacked on the left side of us and on the right, when I noticed it I excellerated and got on with the eager field. 800 meters from the line I attacked and made sure I was top 5. 500 meters to go and I'm starting to think if I should wait for the last 100 meters. 350 meters, I realize, I'm not a sprinter! I need to go and took off with my sprint, 53-12 at 41mph taking the field sprint and taking 4th. Only bad thing was we came close to the break that I almost passed 3rd place.

Here I'm with 5 to go following Brad Huffy USA.
Bad luck on Sunday. 1.5 laps to go and my chain broke. Atleast it happened here and not at Nationals next weekend.