Road Stories

My life training and working at the Fire Station

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Partly Cloudy 24°F
Feels Like
10°F TX Weather baby
Yes thats right! It feels like 10, well I personally think it feels more like 0 but hey, I don't like the cold weather.

I'm finishing up my testing for National Registry (paramedic/firefighter)today and I hope I passed. I put the time in but who knows at this point. It gets better though, we don't get to find out about our results until 14 days, thats right, 14 days from today. So in the mean time I will just be lifting weights (like I did yesterday) and getting on the trainer. I need to log in some trainer hrs. I think I would rather run at this point rather than ride my bike on a STATIONARY trainer. Why is it even called a trainer? I think it is mentally training you but who knows. I will be updating w/ photos shortly. WEEEEE. Oh yeah, by the way, I passed!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Another training day in the D-FW area. This time we (Chris and I) had a 2.1/2 ride scheduled. Well, ofcourse at this point we have had enough of the lake scenery so we try and head off into the neighborhoods but before that, we bump into my bro (Les Terrill) and decide to start cx through norbuck park. Lots of fun!!, having to get off our bike and walk across an abundance of broken limbs (tree limbs-not human limbs) 3hrs later we head back home and skip lunch or dinner, gotta get rid of some excess weight! Oh yeah I gotta update you on my boy Austin, he still yet to start lifting weights. Getting dropped just like me on the South Ride Grand Prix.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Training in Dec

Who knew it would be a high of 89* on this 3rd day of Dec. I'm sitting at home after getting back from a 4+hr ride at White Rock Lake. After the first 4 laps it started wearing on your brain, going round and round. I'm lucky Chris rode for 3.1/2 hrs w/ me. We ended up bumping into my boy Edgar and ofcourse ended up riding more than what I had scheduled, wait! I had no schedule, oh well. It was great weather! I love TX!, sometimes. Tomorrow we are suppose to have a high of 50*. Now if I could only find someone for a massage.